Saturday, February 23, 2008


The governor’s budget proposal for fiscal year 2008-2009 calls for reductions in spending for social services. Some of the money is to be taken out of school coffers immediately, the rest over the next 18 months. Here is the breakdown:

$40 million dollars would be returned to the state within the next several weeks.
Another $483.5 million would be taken out from next years budget
The governor’s office has several suggestions for how schools on a case-by-case basis can deal with the projected shortfall.

Statewide schools could eliminate 52,000 “slots” for community college students (that effectively means that about 52,000 people won't get a higher education next year).

Eliminate special educations programs for people with learning disabilities (as San Diego county is considering doing)

Impose hiring freezes for teachers and staff.
Roll back hours for part time employees and eliminate several permanent positions in favor of more part time employees who don’t receive benefits or tenure.

Eliminate specific programs for foreign students and disabled students.

Reduce financial aid grants for poorer students.

The government wants to take money away from students rather than raise taxes. This is because most taxes come from corporations, and corporations are largely responsible for getting candidates elected in the first place. The candidates have to return the favor. They are counting on us taking this sitting down. We don’t have millions of dollars and groups of lawyers to lobby for us. That is why they are taking our money.

We don’t have to bend over anymore for the wealthy few.

Help organize to fight these cuts.


or contact this page

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